
Home > News > Company News > Huangshan Hengjiu was invited to 2024 APAC VSA Capability Mini - Exhibition

Huangshan Hengjiu was invited to 2024 APAC VSA Capability Mini - Exhibition


Recently, Huangshan Hengjiu was invited to go to the Budweiser China Beer Museum in Putian, Fujian, to participate in the 2024 APAC VSA Capability Mini - Exhibition.

The theme of the exhibition is "Innovation Empower Frontline, Technology Leading Future". A total of 17 manufacturers were invited by Budweiser, among which only Huangshan Hengjiu participated in the exhibition in the Conveyor Chain (Conveyor Belt) field.

During the exhibition, the vice president of global winery support of Budweiser led the winery support leaders of Budweiser's regional wineries to the booth of Huangshan Hengjiu, had an in-depth exchanges with our colleagues in the exhibition to learn more about the "Huangshan" Conveyor Chain (Conveyor Belt).

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